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Ma 74 lata i w niecały rok schudła 23 kg! Co za przemiana!

Chcesz zadbać o swoją sylwetkę, ale brakuje Ci motywacji? Marzy Ci się wysportowane ciało, ale wizja treningów Ci przeraża? Chcesz zrobić coś dla ciała, ale zawsze znajdujesz jakąś wymówkę? Dobrą motywacją może być historia pewnej starszej pani, która od miesięcy regularnie chodzi na siłownie, a efektów można jej pozazdrościć!

Starsza pani na siłowni. Jej kondycja może zawstydzić!

Joan MacDonald ma 74 lata i w ciągu 10 miesięcy schudła z 90 do 67 kilogramów. Kobieta od miesięcy regularnie trenuje na siłowni, dzięki temu ma świetnie wyrzeźbioną sylwetkę i kondycję, której może jej pozazdrościć niejeden 30-latek. Dodatkowym efektem ćwiczeń jest oczywiście pozytywne nastawienie do życia i niekończąca się energia. Tej kobiety zdecydowanie nie można nazwać babcią, to prawdziwa petarda!

Joan przyznaje, że treningi zmieniły jej życie i poleca je każdemu. Dodaje też, że nigdy nie jest za późno na zmianę. 74-latka jest doskonałym dowodem na to, że w zdrowym ciele – zdrowy duch i wiek nie ma w tej kwestii znaczenia.

Efekty jej pracy możecie zobaczyć w sieci. Kobieta prowadzi również Instagrama, który cieszy się sporą popularnością. Wysportowaną starszą panią obserwuje w mediach społecznościowych niemal 800 tysięcy internautów z całego świata. To inspiracja dla każdego! Zobaczcie sami.

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Stay strong!!! 🏋🏻‍♀️🏋🏻‍♀️🏋🏻‍♀️ As a big “thank you” to all of you for the love and support you’ve given me, I am going to be leading a live video this Saturday right here. For this upcoming at home workout session you will need just a pair of circular bands (the small ones) and your warm body. My bands are by @hopefitnessgear and part of their proceeds go towards helping our youth fight back against illness.. It’s a great cause! Please tag someone who needs this motivation 💕💕 It’ll be about half an hour, and a sweaty one. 💦💦 I’ll be doing all the exercises with you, huffing and puffing away. Don’t be afraid to join me. Make it a family affair. Remember I have a bad knee, a bad shoulder, and lately even my left butt cheek has been acting up. 🤪 that’s the joys of getting a wee bit older. Anyways, if I can do it, YOU can do it! 🙌🏻🙌🏻 See you at 8 am EDT (TORONTO/NYC time), this April 18th. . Outfit: @womensbest pink seamless 💕💕 #fitover70 #homeworkout #womensbestwear

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42 vs 72. Who did it better? 😅😅😅 I had to dig up some old photos of myself for an upcoming interview and boy oh boy was I shocked! I just don’t remember myself being that big for that long. I thought it was just for a short period of time. I thought it was just old age creeping in, but when I look back through decades of photos, I see a different story. I wish I knew then what I know now. I now eat more food more often! I have more energy! I have more balance! I have a more positive outlook on life! Wishing you all a terrific week of growth, self-love and success! 🌸🌸🌸 . . #grandma #masterathlete #athlete #inspo #fitspo #health #age #agingbackwards #fitover70 #olderwomen #oldermodel #silverhair #bodybuilding #girlswholift #strongwomen #yhhwomen #tscathlete #makeover #transformation #weightloss

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How many do you think I can do by the end of the year? 😅😅 . Okay the big trick here is us using a bench so I’m starting from the bottom position but not hanging. This has helped me a lot because I have a trick shoulder that gives me a lot of pain. Two years ago I started with the machine. Then I moved on to heavy rubber assistance bands. And finally at my daughters gym I worked my way up to unassisted chin ups. They are now one of my favorite exercises and I have a real sense of accomplishment from them. I’d love to know what your favorite exercise in the gym is, and if you do chin ups, how many can you do? Would you like an instructional video on how to do these? I think I could do that for you! 👵🏼👵🏼 . #progressnotperfection #olderwomen #silverhair #oldermodel #fitover70 #chinups #inspo #fitspo #stronggirls #trainwithjoan

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Na zmiany nigdy nie jest za późno

Joan MacDonald jest w stałym kontakcie z fanami. Regularnie publikuje na Instagramie relacje z treningów i swojej codzienności. Obserwatorzy są pod wrażeniem stylu życia 74-latki, konsekwencją w realizacji celów i efektami jej pracy. Nie bez znaczenia jest również fakt, że przeszła ogromną metamorfozę - Joan MacDonald mając 70 lat postanowiła, że w końcu schudnie. Na zmiany nigdy nie jest za późno, a kobieta dzięki regularnym ćwiczeniom zrzuciła 23 kilogramy, co zajęło jej 10 miesięcy.

Zanim zaczęła ćwiczyć ważyła 90 kilogramów, po niemal roku na wadze pojawiła się wartość 67 kilogramów. Joan przyznaje, że zmiana nastąpiła nie tylko w ciele, ale również w psychice. MacDonald jest o wiele szczęśliwsza i czuje się zdecydowanie lepiej!

Wiedziałam, że muszę zmienić swoje życie. Nie zajęło mi to ani tygodnia, ani dwóch. Na przemianę poświęciłam sporo czasu, a już udało mi się naprawdę sporo schudnąć. Zawsze warto podjąć walkę o swoje ciało, nigdy nie jest na to za późno!
- pisze Joan MacDonald

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Don’t get discouraged by how far you have to go. On the right I was 3 months into this journey and I just took it one day at a time. I honestly had no idea that I would end up where I am today. I just wanted to be off my medication. I can remember that getting down to the 150s was a pretty impossible dream. When I finally reached 156 lbs in the summer of 2017, I was worried that if I lost any more weight I would look flabby and frail. Michelle asked me to trust her and just be patient with the process. A year later, 2018, I was in the 140s pretty comfortably, and still seeing some exciting changes. I thought that would be as good as it gets. 😅 Now here I am yet another year later, and comfortably in the 130s. Michelle now tells me that she plans for me to be in the 120s by next fall, just by continuing slowly the way we’ve been going. That still seems impossible to me but I now know to just trust the process. 💕💕💕 . Have a wonderful holiday season everyone. Love yourself enough to make the changes you need to have the health you desire. 🤶🏻🤶🏻🤶🏻 . #transformation #diet #weightlosstips #weightloss #fitover70.

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I thought I’d share with you how my coach actually trains me. 😅 I think a lot of women my age get really pacified at the gym. I see a lot of chit-chat going on in general between trainers and their older female clients, and not much effort. I imagine Trainer’s must think we can’t be pushed and we are there to mark time, and not accomplish much. 🤷🏼‍♀️. If I can advise you on one thing: find a trainer who really knows their stuff and can teach you good form and really push you. 🏋🏻‍♀️ I would NEVER have even thought to learn how to hip thrust or deadlift on my own. I used to just go and sit on the machines and do circuits. But that all changed when I started working with a proper coach. @yourhealthyhedonista just puts me through my paces like a drill sergeant and shows me videos of my form and also does a lot of demonstrations and hands on corrections. This has really helped me learn how to lift properly. I only get to work with her a few times throughout the year but every time I do I seem to make huge improvements. She always tells me: whether you’re young or old, all bodies respond to the same technique of proper exercise selection, proper volume, and progressive overload (making the workouts harder each week). If you dumb it down just because you’re older you won’t get the results you are looking for. Don’t be taken advantage of my dears. If you really want to make changes, decide to become strong and decide that you’re worth the effort. 🏋🏻‍♀️ I don’t know about you all but I am ITCHING to get back in the gym. I am eagerly watching people in other provinces and states and countries returning to the gym. How exciting! I can’t wait to start hip thrusting again and getting my pull up strength back. What about you? When is your gym reopening or are you already back? What do you want to train? Let’s all make the rest of 2020 something truly amazing. 💪 stay strong, love your neighbour, and work hard for your goals! With love, Joan ❤️ . @anytimefitnesscobourg

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Renegade Rows! These are a great way to get your heart rate up with just a light pair of dumbbells. The key is to maintain a pretty stiff plank while you’re doing them and try to keep the hips from twisting around too much . If you just have light dumbbells go for higher reps like I’m doing here. But you will be winded by the end of it. These are great for training glutes, abs, back, chest, triceps and biceps and even the front delts. 😅😅. What doesn’t get trained with these?! 🤷🏼‍♀️ I hope everybody is hanging in there and getting lots of work done around the house. I think I could spend another month easily decluttering the house and the garden shed. My gardens will be the trimmest they’ve ever been for early spring time let me tell you! 🥰🥰 Outfit @womensbest I’m drinking the @womensbest BCAAS in iced tea flavor to help keep my aminos up as I train. If you have any questions please ask in the comments below ⬇️⬇️

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Mama Sylvestra Stallone na siłowni? 97-letnia Jackie jest w doskonałej formie!
Jackie Stallone może zaskakiwać i zawstydzać. Z pewnością widok 97-latki, która przez lata inwestowała w sztuczne ulepszanie urody, może powodować lekki szok. Jednak zdecydowanie można podziwiać jej miłość do życia i aktywności fizycznej mimo...

Starsza pani robi furorę na TikToku! Jej taniec podbija sieć [WIDEO]
Nie jest tajemnicą, że od kilku miesięcy TikTok cieszy się w sieci ogromną popularnością. Setki tysięcy internautów z całego świata codziennie publikuje kolejne nagrania. Ostatnio szczególną uwagę użytkowników sieci zwrócił na siebie pewien...
