
Dominik Dudek Od kiedy jesteś
Alex Warren Carry You Home
Sandra Reizer Lepiej niż teraz

Co było grane?

Michael Patrick Kelly Beautiful Madness
Walk The Moon Shut Up and Dance
Marta Bijan Parę chwil

Stranger Things: drugi sezon już gotowy!

Właśnie zakończyły się prace nad drugim sezonem serialu "Stranger Things", do premiery którego jeszcze trochę poczekamy. Aktorzy będący w obsadzie zdecydowali podzielić się tą chwilą z fanami!

Nie możesz się doczekać kolejnych przygód dzieciaków z Hawkins? Jesteś ciekawy, co się stało z Demogorgonem, a przede wszystkim, gdzie jest Jedenastka? Do premiery mamy jeszcze sporo czasu, bo zapowiedziana jest na Halloween 2017.

Caleb.Gaten. StrangerThingsSQUAD. @Gaten m123 #strangerthingsSQUAD #bros #EmbraceYourFace #BeYourBiggestFan

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Jednak już zakończyły się prace nad zdjęciami. Trwały one od listopada zeszłego roku. W obsadzie Stranger Things zobaczymy między innymi Finna Wolfharda, Noah Schnappa, Millie Bobby Brown, Gatena Matarazzo czy Winonę Ryder.

"Dziękuję obsadzie i załodze za wspaniały rok"

That's a wrap Stranger Things S2. Thank u so much to cast and crew for an amazing year. Special shout out to @amylforsythe for the epic water gun show down. I have so much to say to everyone so bare with me: Sadie: even though we've only met this year, it feels like we've known each other forever. You r one of the sweetest people I know, u have everyone's back and are amazingly talented. Bobs burgers, Clif Bars, changing contests in our side by side trailers. I won't forget it! Until next year Sudiee❤ Caleb: I remember meeting u 2 years ago at our auditions in LA. When we started talking I remember wishing u would b one to get this role cuz I loved hanging with u. you are the funniest, most light spirited person i know and when i need someone to tell me to call the cocoa police ill come to u. Thanks for singing all the chicken noodle soups u could! You are one of the best friends a person could have. Love u so much bro. Until next year Caloooob.❤ Gaten: Gaten, thank u for always bringing happiness and positivity to every room u walk into. You are so humble and kind. You care about each and every one of us and I don't know what i would've done this year without u. Thanks for being there for me always. love u man. Until next year Gateanooooo.❤ Finn: Finn, thanks for always stickin w me. You are always hangin around set watching me even when you are done. In school it would be so boring w out ur awesome paintings (even tho mine are better) and I can't believe i'm not gonna b able to see u for the rest of this year. You are the weirdest person i know in the best way and it's awesome. Don't change man. Love u so much. Until next year Finnlard❤ Millie: Millie, if I ever have anything on my mind, i'll go to u. You always watch out for me and never let me fall. I don't know how this years gonna go without u but i'm gonna try it out. Thanks for always being there for me( even if things went 0-100 real quick😂) I hope that horror movies don't freak me out now that you're not there to watch them w me. Thank you for keeping me calm in stressful situations or maybe thanks for being a pretty good therapist. Love u so much. Until next year Miwstah❤

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"Ostatnia noc zdjęć"

Akcja drugiego sezonu "Stranger Things" dzieje się w rok po wydarzeniach z pierwszej serii. Will powrócił do kolegów, ale pobyt w świecie Upside Down daje się we znaki. Co się będzie dokładnie dziać, dowiemy się, gdy sezon ujrzy światło dzienne.

Dziękujemy za przeczytanie naszego artykułu do końca!


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