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Tak nowotwór zmienił ciało zdrowej, wysportowanej kobiety

23-letnia Cheyann Clark walczy z rakiem jajnika. Jej choroba znajduje się obecnie w bardzo zaawansowanym stadium. Dziewczyna, która kiedyś inspirowała na Instagramie setki rzesze śledzących jej profil kobiet, zdecydowała się na bardzo trudne wyznanie...

I still got some muscles 💪🏻 and 12 days till surgery😳 - - Truthfully, I have been struggling with the fact that I'm not able to throw up some heavy weights and not being the strongest women in the gym ( I'm very competitive🙃) - - It's hard from going from squatting close to 160lbs and being able to curl 30lbs with ease; to having to curl/do any upper body with light weight because I can't risk my port implant moving (it's in my chest) and struggling to squat 100lbs😥 - - But at the end of the day, my strength is coming back, my arms are still decent size and my booty is growing💪🏻👌🏻 With surgery in 12 days, I'll be out from working out probably around 6 weeks. So I'll be starting at square one again but that's okay. That just means I'll come back better and stronger and I'll also have a new badass scar👍🏻 - - #fuckcancer #ovariancancer #cheystrong #seattleseahawks #bestself #selflove #npc #npcbikini #ifbb #npccompetitor #bikini #bikinicompetitor #bikinifitness #bikiniathlete #fitlife #fitspo #fitlife #follow #inspiration #happiness #womensfitness #womenshealth #motivation #squat #squatspo #countrygirl #country #countrymusic

A photo posted by Cheyann Shaw (@cheymarie_fit) on

Felt good to hit some legs today💪🏻 Starting to build everything up that I have lost and let me tell you, I'm sore and exhausted🙃 - - I'm not nearly as strong as I was before but I can feel the strength coming back and starting to see my booty come back! Yay!!😄 - - I get tired a lot easier so I'm not in the gym as long as I would like, but at least I'm still putting in work and pushing myself to new limits. My goal is to be the fittest little cancer warrior in the game right now😏💪🏻 - - P.S. how cute is my little Pom hat?!! My poor head gets so cold out here in Wa and they keep the gym the temp of a damn freezer so warm beanies to workout in is what I do and I get some pretty funny looks😂😂 - - fuckcancer #ovariancancer #selflove #bestself #fitspo #fitfam #fitlife #gymspo #npc #npcbikini #npcbikinicompetitor #npcathlete #gymshark #alphalete #squats #loveyourself #youtube #follow #legday #squats #womenshealth #seattleseahawks

A photo posted by Cheyann Shaw (@cheymarie_fit) on

Cheyann Clark prowadzi na Instagramie profil, który śledzi 170 tysięcy osób. Zanim zdiagnozowano u niej nowotwór, była motywacją dla wielu kobiet, publikując zdjęcia swojego zdrowego, wysportowanego ciała. Gdy Cheyann dowiedziała się, że cierpi na raka jajnika, nie zaprzestała od razu treningów. Od tamtej pory jednak jej fanki śledzą przerażającą metamorfozę, która jest efektem walki z nowotworem.

Trzy miesiące temu 23-latka przeszła pierwszą chemioterapię. Jej ciało z dnia na dzień coraz bardziej się zmienia. Przed kilkoma dniami Cheyann opublikowała zestawienie dwóch swoich zdjęć – sprzed diagnozy oraz aktualnego. Zdecydowała się również na bardzo trudne, poruszające wyznanie.

This is hard for me to post... Left- Before we knew I had cancer. I was a solid 130lbs and 15% body fat. Also had a nice little booty growing back there. - - Right- Taken yesterday. Stage 4 Low Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer. After almost 14 days in the hospital, a poop bag, and a major surgery; I stand at 105lbs. That's way to small for me. I'm 5"5. I lost everything. Cancer has taken so much from me. The body I worked so hard for 2 years to get, the ability to have and carry my own child, my hair, and so much more, but one thing for sure is that cancer has not taken my fight and faith. - - I will never stop fighting. I will never lose my faith. I will never let cancer win. Today has been a rough day for me mentally, but that's okay. I know tomorrow will be much better and I'm thankful to be alive and to see another day. I know GOD is up there working and I know he will give me the strength to fight, the light to see in the darkness, and will lay his healing hands on me. - - This is the toughest battle I have and will ever face, but I know I can do it. The hardest part of all this is my body change. I have a hard time looking at myself in the mirror but I'm learning to love myself again and I know this is only temporary. Once I get the clear light to workout, I'll be in the gym banging those weights💪🏻💪🏻 - - #fuckcancer #ovariancancer #seattleseahawks #bestself #selflove #npc #npcbikini #ifbb #npccompetitor #bikini #bikinicompetitor #bikinifitness #bikiniathlete #fitlife #fitspo #fitlife #follow #inspiration #happiness #womensfitness #womenshealth #motivation #squat #squatspo #country #countrymusic #countrygirl #smile #cheystrong

A photo posted by Cheyann Shaw (@cheymarie_fit) on

„Na zdjęciu po lewej jeszcze nie wiedziałam, że mam raka. Ważyłam 60 kg i miałam 15% tłuszczu w organizmie. Zaczynała mi również rosnąć całkiem pokaźna pupa… Zdjęcie po prawej zrobiłam wczoraj – znajdując się w czwartym stadium nowotworu. Po przejściu poważnej operacji i ponad dwóch tygodniach spędzonych w szpitalu. Obecnie ważę niecałe 48 kg. To przy moim wzroście wynoszącym 168 cm zdecydowanie za mało” – zaczyna 23-latka.

„Straciłam wszystko. Nowotwór zabrał mmi tak wiele – ciało, o które walczyłam przez dwa lata treningów, możliwość posiadania dzieci, włosy i znacznie więcej. Jednej rzeczy jednak mi nie odebrał – woli walki i wiary” – kontynuuje, dodając: „Nigdy nie przestanę walczyć. Nigdy nie stracę wiary. Nigdy nie pozwolę rakowi wygrać”.

Cheyann przyznaje, że najtrudniej jest pogodzić jej się ze zmieniającym się obrazem własnego ciała. Dla wielu kobiet to przecież krągłe kształty i piękne, długie włosy są tym, co dodaje im pewności siebie i sprawia, że czują się kobieco.

„To najcięższa bitwa, jaką przyszło mi kiedykolwiek stoczyć, ale wiem, że dam radę. Najcięższe w tym wszystkim jest patrzenie, jak się zmieniam. Kiedyś patrzenie w lustro sprawiało mi ogromny ból, jednak teraz uczę się kochać siebie na nowo. Wiem, że to w końcu minie. Czekam tylko, by znów móc zacząć ćwiczyć” – pisze 23-latka.

Trzymamy za ciebie kciuki, Cheyann! Zobaczcie, jak ta nierówna batalia stopniowo zmieniała jej ciało…

First time in the gym since be diagnosed with cancer 3 weeks ago and as you can tell I have lost all my muscle that took 2 years to build 😩😩 - - I've lost 10 pounds from being in the hospital but slowly putting it all back on and slowly starting to build my muscle back up. I won't be anywhere near where I was before I got sick, till I'm cancer free and can really start throwing down some heavy shit. - - My message to you all is to never let anything stop you. I could let cancer stop me, but I won't. I won't let this horrible thing defeat me. I will defeat it. I'm still going to do what I love, just with lighter weight and listening to my body more. - - Go check out my latest YouTube video to get all the details about what has been going on! Link is in the bio💙🍑 - - #npc #npcbikini #ifbb #npccompetitor #bikini #bikinicompetitor #bikinifitness #bikiniathlete #determination #dedication #chickswholift #fitlife #fitspo #fitlife #chickswhosquat #youtubechannel #subscribe #follow #inspiration #happiness #womensfitness #womenshealth #womenwholift #motivation #squat #squatspo #floridaliving #summertime #ovariancancer #tealribbon

A photo posted by Cheyann Shaw (@cheymarie_fit) on

First gym-sesh after chemo and I felt great! So far I haven't felt sick which is great, but a little tired so I do take a little cat nap during the day🐱 - - Yes I am wearing a mask; why you ask? During chemo your immune system gets weaker and to prevent any unwanted colds I have to wear a mask at the gym or in public. I get a lot of weird looks but oh well 🤗 - - I felt strong today; I can feel my body getting stronger and stronger each day. You can't let set backs stop you from living your life. Each day I wake up, say #Fuckyoucancer , and go on about my day like normally (besides the cat naps lol) - - Whatever you have going on in your life, don't let it take over. Don't let your light dim, keep on shinning bright. If I can go to the gym, fight cancer, and continue to smile and laugh; you can too. You can do it!💪🏻 - - #npc #npcbikini #ifbb #npccompetitor #bikini #bikinicompetitor #bikinifitness #bikiniathlete #fitlife #fitspo #fitlife #follow #inspiration #happiness #womensfitness #womenshealth #womenwholift #motivation #floridaliving #summertime #ovariancancer #tealribbon #motivation #womenshealth

A photo posted by Cheyann Shaw (@cheymarie_fit) on

Post surgery update!! - - It's been about 2 almost 3 weeks since surgery and I'm feeling great. I've only been home for a couple days but it feels amazing. So I have a nice little scar and that bag.....that bag is my "poop bag" - - There unfortunately was cancer on my colon so they had to take some colon out and to give it time to heal redirected everything to my side. I'll have this bag for about 3 months and will get everything reversed and be back to normal. But for now I can walk and poop so don't judge me 👌🏻 - - When they were in surgery they did find out I'm actually Stage 4 because the cancer was in my spleen and I do have cancer in my lymph nodes, but I'm not worried. Just another bump to get over and with GOD by my side I'm not scared. I'll be fine and GOD will get me through this. I have a story to tell and I'm not done telling it and GOD knows that🙏🏻 - - I'm proud of my scar and "poop bag" because it already shows that I'm a fighter and a survivor. I wear my war wounds proudly💙💪🏻💪🏻 - - #fuckcancer #ovariancancer #seattleseahawks #bestself #selflove #npc #npcbikini #ifbb #npccompetitor #bikini #bikinicompetitor #bikinifitness #bikiniathlete #fitlife #fitspo #fitlife #follow #inspiration #happiness #womensfitness #womenshealth #motivation #squat #squatspo #country #countrymusic #countrygirl #smile

A photo posted by Cheyann Shaw (@cheymarie_fit) on


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