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Od dnia zaręczyn do ślubu schudła 50 kg. Co za metamorfoza!

24-letnia Haley Smith była przerażona, gdy zobaczyła zdjęcia ze swoich zaręczyn. Do dnia ślubu postanowiła przejść metamorfozę - której efekty robią ogromne wrażenie!

W piętnaście miesięcy Haley Smith udało się zrzucić 110 funtów, czyli blisko 50 kilogramów. 24-latka postanowiła zupełnie zmienić swoje życie i nawyki, gdy oglądając zdjęcia z zaręczyn nie mogła na nich poznać samej siebie. Wówczas ważyła 126 kg – obecnie jej waga wynosi mniej niż 75 kg. Haley nie zamierza jednak na tym poprzestać.

„Nie stawiam sobie żadnego konkretnego celu, ale nie mam zamiaru przerywać! Nie przestawaj tylko dlatego, że zaczynasz czuć się dobrze w swoim ciele. Trwaj w swoich postanowieniach – zawsze jest nad czym pracować” – motywuje na swoim Instagramie.

„Czasem nie mogę uwierzyć, że osoba na starych zdjęciach to naprawdę ja” – napisała na swoim Instagramie, publikując zestawienie fotografii sprzed metamorfozy i ze swojego ślubu. Ogromna przemiana, jaką przeszła Haley zrzucając 50 kg, zaskoczyła nawet ją samą. „Czasem nie mogę też uwierzyć, że osoba na nowych zdjęciach to też ja!” – dodaje.

Zobaczcie, jak zmieniła się Haley. Co za metamofroza i inspiracja!

Sorry it took so long to get a picture up! Matt and I actually have ZERO full body pictures of us alone or of just me. 🙄🙄 We have to wait until we get back to get a picture of us together from the photographer, but even from them, there are NO pictures of just me in the dress haha. So if you are getting married, be sure your photographer, family and friends remember to get pictures of just YOU and just YOU and your HUSBAND!! Because unfortunately we didn't, and that sucks haha. So here are pictures from my bridal shots the week before the wedding! I'll post another shortly, and when I get the pictures of Matt and I in like 3 weeks, I'll post that! So until then, I'll post random wedding pictures, and of course, my adventure in New Zealand, starting in Queenstown today! #smithsquared #octoberbride #maggiesottero #maggiesotterobride #bridalpictures #newzealand #honeymoon #queenstown #milfordsound

A photo posted by Haley Smith (@haley_j_smith) on

#transformationtuesday I've been asked to post my story a couple of times, so here goes. The left picture was on my proposal day on July 18, 2015, and the right was my bridal shower on August 6, 2016. When Matt proposed last year, I saw my pictures and didn't even recognize myself. My whole adult life, I have struggled with my weight, but this was my highest. I had let myself go and didn't even realize how far I had gotten. On that day, I made up my mind to make a change. I was tired of hiding in pictures, getting winded walking across a parking lot, skipping out on activities, feeling lazy, and most of all being embarrassed of myself. No ONE thing made me how I am today. It was a combination of about every health and fitness option I could find. So don't think there's some magic pill, wrap, gym membership, meal, vitamin, app, surgery, diet, workout, waist trainer, book, hypnosis, shake, powder or anything else that will just do it for you. It's finding your own way and using the tools that work for you. It's making the right healthy choices for your body. In the last year, I've made some big life choices and huge lifestyle changes, and I couldn't be more happy with myself. I still have a long way to go on this journey, and I'm not giving up. #beforeandafter #motivation #weightloss #weightlossjourney #proposal #bridalshower

A photo posted by Haley Smith (@haley_j_smith) on

#transformationtuesday with one of my best friends @kenzieeashlynnn The first picture was us in May 2015 and the second picture was us last weekend. Between the two of us, we've lost over 200lbs! We have different stories but are both working our butts off to become happier and healthier! So proud to be on this fitness journey with you! 😘 Kenzie had weight loss surgery in December 2015, and is very open about her experience. She also works for a weight loss surgeon. She is willing to answer any questions and support in any way that she can! Hope that helps anyone considering the process. #weightlossjourney #weightloss #transformation #beforeandafter #fitness #fitnessmotivation #fitfamily #accountabilitypartners #fitgirls #fitsisters #fitfriends

A photo posted by Haley Smith (@haley_j_smith) on


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