
Zalia Diament
Switch Disco, Charlotte Haining, Felix I Found You
sanah Miłość jest ślepa

Co było grane?

Sara James Salty
Shakin' Stevens Merry Christmas Everyone
Nickelback Lullaby

100 wyjątkowych kobiet wystąpiło nago przed obiektywem. Efekt jest piorunujący!

Australijska fotografka Amy D Herrman opublikowała w sieci serię niesamowitych zdjęć, które przedstawiają kobiety o różnych ciałach i historiach - zupełnie saute.

Amy D Herrman zdecydowała się na zrealizowanie projektu łamiącego wszelkie stereotypy i zrywającego z panującymi obecnie kanonami piękna. W sesji zdjęciowej zatytułowanej „Underneath We Are Women” wystąpiło równo sto kobiet, które pokazując, co znajduje się pod ich ubraniami, udowodniły, że to różnorodność jest najpiękniejsza.

Te niesamowite modelki, które stanęły przed obiektywem australijskiej fotografki, opowiedziały również swoje wyjątkowe historie. Zostaną one opublikowane w książce, którą Herrman zamierza wydać, gdy tylko na Kickstarterze, gdzie trafił jej projekt, uda jej się zebrać odpowiednie fundusze.

Zobaczcie tę wyjątkową sesję autorstwa australijskiej fotografki.

Underneath I am “Fierce” I have been debating with myself since the shoot if I would show or post my photo on my page for people to see. Yes, I know it is going public anyway and will end up in a book, but to post it here and to show the people who know me is a real challenge to my comfort zones. I have also had some recent challenges mentally that I am still fighting my way through; they made the decision to participate much harder but also more important to me. I was inspired by the words of fellow participant, Ruby, and her posting of her photo, so I decided to ‘Just Do It’. 2016 was a year to challenge my comfort zones and participating in UWAW by Amy Herrmann was/ is a huge deal for me and pushed my comfort zones a number of times. I considered backing out so many times even on the day of the shoot, but I was constantly reminded by a friend this was not just for me, but I would also be helping others. So even though I was unsure and recently going through a rough time mentally, I pushed through my comfort zones and my doubts and it was totally worth it. This image of me makes me feel nervous. I can portray a confident and extroverted person to those around me, but in reality that is not who I am and certainly not when it comes to my body image. There are many things about myself I do not allow people to see. Like many women I don’t have a positive body image of myself. As a person with a disability I wanted to challenge society’s perception of the disabled body image and the idea it is something to be covered up, hidden, seen as unattractive and to be fixed. These are the reasons why I love this project so much. Challenging ideas. Amy is challenging, no, correcting us as a society, showing us that no matter what we look like no matter our size, shape, challenges, differences, beliefs we are all the same. Underneath we are all women. I look at this image of me and I cannot help but see all the things I don’t like, the things I am uncomfortable with. But I now also see a ‘Fierce’, brave person; I see strength and growth happening. Please support this Awesome project go to the Kickstarter and donate even the smallest amount. (LINK IN BIO)

A photo posted by Underneath We Are Women (@underneath_we_are_women) on

••UNAPOLOGETIC•• "I've had a storm in my mind over the last few days. Conflicting emotions; some good, some not. I thought hard about whether I wanted to actually post this full image from the @underneath_we_are_women campaign. I'm smiling in this photo - I think it's a wonderful portrayal of my personality and general attitude. I was smiling, but I was also terrified as this was being shot. As much confidence as I may exude and portray to the world in my everyday life, the reality is I've harboured quite strong feelings of resentment toward my own body for a lot of my life. Feelings, I think, which are a reflection of society's deeply internalised attitude towards the disabled body; that it is unattractive, undesirable, shameful, broken and that it should be changed, fixed or covered up. When I note that it's not in fact my stomach or my arms or my hips that I find it difficult to look at, or that I'm wearing almost nothing, some people may be surprised. It's my legs and feet. They're swollen as a result of lipoedema and look different because of my disability. I've been very good at hiding them from the world for years. Facing the pressures placed upon women to conform to idealised standards of beauty has been somewhat easier for me than it has been for me to live in this world as a woman with a physical disability. This is why I have decided to post this picture. It needs to be seen. I wish, as a little girl, I had seen something like this. A disabled role model telling me that I was allowed to love myself, that I didn't have to hide, be ashamed of or apologise for my body. That I existed. I had to figure this out (for the most part) on my own, and at times it was incredibly lonely, traumatising and isolating. This shoot was incredibly liberating and has taken me a step further toward my self acceptance and ability to live unapologetically in this body and in this life. 💕🌿✨🐬 Thankyou @underneath_we_are_women for pushing me to do this. You can learn more about and support her campaign here: kck.st/2b7VnTr #regram @rvbyallegra

A photo posted by Underneath We Are Women (@underneath_we_are_women) on

The celebration of DIVERSITY is key to overcoming your negative judgement of others! For the very simple fact that we are all born into and become different shapes, sizes, colours... Just as we are all diverse in personality, we are equally as diverse in our appearance. And just as you may not love every single persons personality, you may not love every single persons appearance. And that's fine. Because we all see different qualities in everyone. However, what it DOES mean is that everyone is entitled to love themselves without having to apologies to others for doing so, simply because another doesn't see the same awesome qualities as you do! ---------------------------------- Just on a side note. For this project to be successful I really need an extremely diverse range in not only bodies, but in various ethnicities too. If you think you or you know of someone who may be able to help out with representing a more varied range of ethnic backgrounds please feel free to TAG them here :) Thanks ladies. Hope you all had a wonderful day! #underneathiam #diverse #diversity #women #womenunite #loveyourjourney #underneathiam #loveyourself #bodypositive #effyourbeautystandards

A photo posted by Underneath We Are Women (@underneath_we_are_women) on

"After I had my surgery I was never really self conscious of the scar, it was just a reminder of what I had been through... I don't want it to fade... I always want this reminder of how amazing my body and mind really are." -- Underneath I AM ADAPTABLE -- What an incredible woman. We photographed this very special lady over the weekend in Melbourne. Proof that the shyest of introverts can throw themselves into the most confronting of experiences and come out the other end feeling totally empowered and accomplished. I love the way in which Sarah has completely embraced her newly formed exterior embellishment that runs almost the entire length of her abdomen. Her attitude toward what the body is capable of rather than the aesthetic byproduct of major surgery is perfect! On a personal level, this woman is a complete superhero in my eyes. Not only was she incredibly nervous, she also had her three young children with her on the day of the shoot, and STILL managed to keep her cool the entire time and long enough to end up with this final shot that perfectly encompasses her chosen word -- ADAPTABLE. What a perfect role-model she is for her children. They must be three of the most blessed children to have a mother like you Sarah. #rolemodel #mothers #bodiesareamazing #underneathiam #underneathwearewomen #adaptable #coolcalmandcollected #bodypositive #bodylove #whatcanyourbodyaccomplish

A photo posted by Underneath We Are Women (@underneath_we_are_women) on

I have some very exciting news! Especially for those in #Adelaide on the 7th of November. I've been asked by the incredible @samantha_sin1313 to judge at this years @missrubenesque 2015!!! I'll be judging along with some other amazing women including @misssapphiresnow and @leopardlass_theone_theonly. I surely will be in good company! @samantha_sin1313 (pictured) is the founder of the first plus size beauty pageant in Australia! So yer, she's pretty awesome... AND I do believe tickets are still available for the Adelaide show too! It would be fantastic to see you there. It's sure to be an amazing night. #burlesque #missrubenesque #southaustralia #effyourbeautystandards #bodyposi #strong #sapphiresnow #nightout

A photo posted by Underneath We Are Women (@underneath_we_are_women) on

Never ever underestimate the power of the simple things in life... A smile, an honest compliment, a touch, a kind word... These are the little things that can change someone's day or save a life! Take a moment to really think about this guys, who would you rather be? The person that saved a life? Or the person that ended one? Sure, you might think this is a tad extreme, but let me tell you, the online world today is absolutely rife with hatred towards one another. And what's worse, it can be so easily changed. But that starts with you. The change must begin with you! Who do YOU want to be? "Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive." -- @dalailama spoke these words and they are 100% truth. How can we expect to move forward as a society if we're all to busy hating on each other! Your judgement of others is only ever a reflection of your own self, NOT the person your directing your hate toward. So perhaps it's time to take a good look in the mirror and ask yourself "who do I want to be..?" #compassion #love #dalailama #truehappinesscomesfromwithin #underneathIAM #compassionate #compassionateliving #loveyourself #selflove #like4like #women #melbourne #instalove #makethemnotice #makeachange

A photo posted by Underneath We Are Women (@underneath_we_are_women) on

"Whether you have reached your body goals or you are still on your journey there, it is important to remember that self love and self confidence in your mind AND body are key to achieving your goals. Know that you are important and trust in your body to take you where you need to be. Just remember that our bodies are incredible machines, capable of amazing things and no two bodies function, nor look the same in their journey to reaching their goals!" Today I've been starring at all the amazing women I photographed in Townsville over the weekend and I just had to share one! I cannot wait to see all the images together in the book, alongside each woman's incredible story. What a beautiful thing it is to see so many diverse bodies being celebrated. These women have all taken a big step to loving their bodies just that little bit more and showing others that its ok to love yourself as you are, at whatever stage in your journey you are at. @tafinator_07 @kr13tin @amydfoto #townsville @townsvilleeye #underneathIAM #underneathwearewomen #body #strong #positive #bodypositive #women #fitness #fitfam #weightloss #myjourney #womenrule #womenshealth

A photo posted by Underneath We Are Women (@underneath_we_are_women) on


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