Kim jest Mister World 2016?
27-letni Rohit Khandelwal wygrał międzynarodowy konkurs Mister World. To znajomi namówili go, aby wziął udział w konkursie, on sam szukał pracy w Bombaju jako aktor. Rohin pochodzi z Indii.
Przypomnijmy, że Rafał Jonkisz zdobył tytuł Mister World Talent ! To największy sukces Polaka w tej imprezie. SPRAWDŹ SZCZEGÓŁY!
Well ,It was during those monsoon days stepping into the city of dreams 3 years back -knowing no one , but Having strong faith that things will work out , you know why ? Because the Passion and Will was always stronger than the skill . Shifting from my city Hyderabad to Bombay I faced a lot of challenges , felt home sick , days of loneliness , betrayal and conned , cheated , put on weight but the faith never came down ! I never gave up because I knew failure is the only way to be successful ,You fail 99 times but you will get up the 100th time becoming the strongest. My journey has been like a chain every person linked to this chain has contributed something amazing in my life -to turn me into a strong man personally and professionally .Self help books were of great help in development as well. The journey which has started with no road map ,taking every opportunity and every job that came my way to being called my country India today is the best feeling ever !! I feel proud to be Representing my country . Always remember-You will never be able to escape from your heart ,So it's better to listen to what it has to say. I want to thank a lot of people without whom it would have been impossible to be here or imagine this day in my life My parents , brother , times of India team , friends for always supporting Need all your blessings and love The next 20 days are going to be the best phase of my life !😍
A photo posted by Rohit Khandelwal (@rohit_khandelwal77) on Jul 2, 2016 at 1:26am PDT