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Robbie Williams Angels
Perfect Raz po Raz

Świąteczne ciastka niczym dzieło sztuki. Liz Joy pokazuje jakie piękno można stworzyć na słodkościach

Przygotowywanie świątecznych ciasteczek jeszcze przed tobą? Liz Joy pokazuje jak kreatywnie i niezwykle oryginalnie można je ozdobić. Z pewnością zrobią spore wrażenie przy wigilijnym stole. Dodatkowo są niesamowicie fotogeniczne, w sam raz na pochwalenie się nimi na Instagramie. Zobacz, jak Liz Joy dekoruje świąteczne pierniczki. Jest na czym zawiesić oko!

Zamiłowanie do cukiernictwa

Liz Joy zajmuje się tworzeniem niesamowitych słodkości, które niemal uchodzą za dzieło sztuki. Nic dziwnego, projektuje kreatywne wzory i robi to niezwykle starannie, że aż żal zjeść tak pięknie udekorowane desery. Sama Liz przedstawia się nie jako cukierniczka, a dyrektorka kreatywna, cukrowa artystka i ilustratorka. Na swoim koncie ma doświadczenie w branży marketingowej i rozrywkowej. Zajmowała się zarządzaniem markami i w międzyczasie poświęcała się również pasji cukiernictwa. Postanowiła zatem założyć firmę Inspired To Taste.

Inspiracje w tworzeniu niezwykłych wypieków

Artystka wraz z jej zespołem inspiruje się przeróżnymi rzeczami. Na przykład kreacjami popularnych osób ze świata show-biznesu. Zobaczymy więc słynną łabędzią suknię Bjorn, czy strój Wonder Woman. Wizerunek Lincolna, czy Justina Biebera również znajduje się w portfolio Liz. Można podziwiać także niezwykle szczegółowe odwzorowanie różnych scenek z filmów, czy to z Urszulą z Małej Syrenki, czy z Czerwonego Kapturka. Dbałość o każdy detal szczególnie uwidacznia się podczas tworzenia struktury ubrań na deserach. Świetnie odwzorowuje sweter, czy koronkę, czy dżinsy.

Osiągnięcia Liz Joy

Prace Liz wprawiają w zachwyt również największe światowe firmy. Wykonuje specjalne zlecenia dla takich marek jak Netflix, Sephora, Warner Bros., Urban Decay, a także Christian Louboutin. Poza rozchwytywaniem przez tak duże firmy jest również doceniania przez  prestiżowe nagrody z branży cukierniczej. Liz odnosi sukces w mediach społecznościowych. Na Instagramie dekoratorki możemy podziwiać piękne wypieki. Do grona fanów dołączyło już ponad 100 tysięcy osób. Niestety zdecydowana większość obserwujących nigdy nie spróbuje wypieków Liz Joy i jej zespołu. Obecnie zajmują się realizacją zamówień tylko dla dużych firm. Nie jest to zatem towar hurtowy, tylko przygotowywany dla specjalnych ekskluzywnych klientów. Artystka w ten sposób łączy swoje doświadczenie w branży marketingowej z pasją do cukiernictwa.

Zobaczcie tylko jakie cuda potrafi stworzyć!

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I finally found time to work on some fashionable (chocolate) “gingerbread” people for my niece and nephew. When I asked you guys what designer they should be wearing this year, your overwhelming response was GUCCI! So here’s Ellie’s gingerbread girl, wearing a look from @gucci’s fall 2019 ready-to-wear collection (swipe to see inspo outfit). I actually made little isomalt sunglasses to match, but I think the cookie looks better without them (and will be lots easier to ship). I’m definitely planning on making these gingers an annual tradition for my favorite cookie-loving kiddos. 🤗 _______________________________________________________ Ezra and Ellie prefer chocolate-everything, so this is actually a chocolate cookie (I tried @borderlandsbakery’s recipe for the first time and am in looooove with it! Seriously so damn good 😋). I decorated this ginger with a combo of royal icing and chocolate-flavored fondant. All painted details are done with @thesugarart’s Elite Colors, and I glossed her shoes and eyes with @poppypaints Super Shine. Ezra’s Gucci guy is up next! _______________________________________________________ - - - - - - - - - - #cookieart #decoratedcookies #customcookies #royalicing #sugarcookies #cookiesofinstagram #sugarcookiesofinstagram #icedcookies #cookieartist #cookiedesign #designercookies #instadessert #dessertlover #foodart #edibleart #cutefood #fondant #frosting #sweettooth #madetocreate #foodstyling #cookiedecorating #fashionlovers #bakersgonnabake #instabaker #guccigang #guccigucci

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Happy #nationalcookieday! Here’s a throwback to a couple of fashionable gingerbread people I made for my niece and nephew last year (dressed in @ralphlauren). I’m dying to make an updated set for my favorite kiddos this year, and am frantically trying to find time in my calendar. If I manage to get to it, do you guys have any favorite fashion labels you think I should consider? _______________________________________________________ - - - - - - - - - - #cookieart #decoratedcookies #customcookies #royalicing #sugarcookies #cookiesofinstagram #sugarcookiesofinstagram #icedcookies #cookieartist #cookiedesign #designercookies #instadessert #dessertlover #foodart #edibleart #cutefood #kawaiifood #frosting #sweettooth #madetocreate #foodstyling #cookiedecorating #fashionlovers #bakersgonnabake #instabaker

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We’re still having toasty warm weather here in SoCal, so I figured I’d try to get into the autumn spirit with some season-appropriate fashion cookies. If I could make these life-sized, this would totally be my Thanksgiving look 🍂🌻. _______________________________________________________ My dress cookie is decorated with @fatdaddios fondant. The tote (inspired by a @cultgaia bag) is mostly royal icing with fondant flowers and RI leaves. I used @thesugarart Elite Colors to dust added dimension onto both cookies, and the patent leather effect on the tote is done with @poppypaints Super Shine. _______________________________________________________ These cutters and flower molds are all available at inspiredtotaste.com (and I’m hoping to carry the texture mat soon too). _______________________________________________________ - - - - - - - - - - #cookieart #decoratedcookies #customcookies #royalicing #sugarcookies #cookiesofinstagram #icedcookies #cookieartist #cookiedesign #instadessert #dessertlover #foodart #edibleart #cutefood #ımsomartha #fondant #sweettooth #madetocreate #foodstyling #cookiedecorating #fashionlovers #cookiegram #bakersgonnabake #instabaker

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I heard @cookieconshow tix sold out insaaaanely fast yesterday. Who managed to snag one 😬🤞🏼? Be sure and check out the add-on lineup at CookieCon.net (there are so many amazing options!). Add-on classes go on sale October 16th for ticket holders. In addition to teaching these designs in my San Diego workshops next weekend, I’ll also be bringing them to CookieCon. This workshop is allllll about TEXTURE (one of my favorite things to create!), and we’ll be using a variety of tools, toppings and techniques to create these fashionable little edible accessories. _______________________________________________________ San Diego: I only have two more openings for this workshop on Friday 10/18 and one spot left for Saturday 10/19. I’m going to be closing enrollment this Sunday (10/13), so be sure to snag a seat if you’re interested (bottomless mimosas will be served, messes will be made, and lots of fun will be had 🤗). More deets can be found via the link in my bio. _______________________________________________________ - - - - - - - - - - #cookieart #decoratedcookies #customcookies #royalicing #sugarcookies #cookiesofinstagram #sugarcookiesofinstagram #icedcookies #cookieartist #cookiedesign #designercookies #instadessert #dessertlover #foodart #edibleart #cutefood #fondant #frosting #sweettooth #madetocreate #foodstyling #cookiedecorating #flatlay #fashionlovers #bakersgonnabake #instabaker

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I had a new pie design all planned and sketched out for last week. Then I sprained my right wrist and couldn’t even hold a paintbrush or fork with any skill for a couple of days 😩. It’s getting better, but now I’m wayyyyy behind schedule, so I’m not sure when I’ll be able to fit the new design in. Until then, here’s one of my faves from last year: raspberry, peach and blueberry filling in a cinnamon almond cookie crust. It also seems like a fitting design for officially saying “byeeee” to summer🧜🏻‍♀️🌅. _______________________________________________________ - - - - - - - - - - #pie #pieart #pierevival #pastryart #marthabakes #foodart #ilovepie #piecrust #imsomartha #piesofinstagram #foodstyling #onmytable #pielover #patisserie #homebaker #piecrust #psimadethis #heresmyfood #dessertporn #foodwinewomen #thekitchn #desserttime #sugarcraft #madetocreate #instapastry #pastrylover #cutefood #abmlifeiscolorful #fantasyart

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Here are a couple more views and some behind-the-scenes photos of the birthday pie I made for my dad. It had a lemon curd, spirulina (for color) and blueberry filling in a rosemary almond cookie crust. I love using this vegan almond cookie recipe as a base for my cookie crust pies because it doesn’t spread, has a firm texture that allows me to shape/mold it, and it doesn’t get soggy when baked correctly. Plus it’s reduced-carb/reduced sugar, so I don’t feel too guilty about adding all the sweet toppings 😉👍🏼. I’ve promised a bunch of you that I’ll share the recipe and I swear I haven’t forgotten! I’ve just been super swamped, but am planning on sending out an email as soon as I have time. _______________________________________________________ I don’t generally sketch out my cookie designs; however, pies (and usually cakes) are a different story because they involve so many pieces and layers. It’s not about having a perfect sketch, but instead more about getting a sense of all the different elements I want to make as well as spatial planning and figuring out how I‘ll layer all the pieces. I also like to snap super quick progress pics along the way as I bake, decorate, and orient elements (usually horrible quality photos and rarely with the intention of sharing 😬). I do this so I can view my work on screen and make adjustments to the design. I’m not sure if it’s my background as an art director or what, but I never get a full sense of things until I’m able to view them on screen. I also use these layout photos as a reference point when I’m securing all the final elements after the pie’s been filled. _______________________________________________________ - - - - - - - - - - #pie #pieart #pierevival #pastryart #marthabakes #foodart #ilovepie #piecrust #imsomartha #piesofinstagram #foodstyling #onmytable #pielover #patisserie #homebaker #piecrust #psimadethis #heresmyfood #dessertporn #foodwinewomen #thekitchn #desserttime #sugarcraft #madetocreate #instapastry #pastrylover #cutefood #abmlifeiscolorful #fantasyart

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I’ve been wanting to play with this Chanel bottle cookie design again, and had the perfect excuse when @thesugarart sent me a box filled with their Diamond Dusts. It‘s difficult to capture the sparkle quality in a photo, but trust me, this baby glitters and shines like it was dunked in friggin fairy dust (and so does my kitchen 😬) 🙌🏼✨. This was also a perfect opportunity to break into the fine-point edible pens @tweetscookieconnection sent me. If you guys haven’t tried them yet, they’re seriously AHmazing! _______________________________________________________ We’ve listed a limited quantity of our perfume bottle bouquet cutters to our shop page on inspiredtotaste.com if anyone wants one of their own. We’re also planning to re-open the lingerie cutter presale this weekend and will be happy to combine shipping. Happy Friday and happy cookieing! _______________________________________________________ - - - - - - - - - - #cookieart #decoratedcookies #customcookies #royalicing #sugarcookies #cookiesofinstagram #icedcookies #cookieartist #cookiedesign #instadessert #dessertlover #foodart #edibleart #cutefood #fondant #frosting #sweettooth #madetocreate #foodstyling #cookiedecorating #fashionlovers #bakersgonnabake #instabaker #chanelno5 #chanelbeauty

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My bestie, @tinesha22, hosted a Christmas party and I made some homemade treats to contribute to the festivities. This spiced meringue forest was inspired by @chiefofsugar. The snow is royal icing topped in @bakerybling and the ornament sprinkles are from @wiltoncakes. I also used some of these Christmas trees to decorate a pumpkin pie — stay tuned🎄😊. _______________________________________________________ - - - - - - - - - - #meringues #meringuekisses #meringuecookies #pastryart #pastryinspiration #marthabakes #foodart #imsomartha #foodstyling #cookiesofinstagram #patisserie #onmytable #homebaker #psimadethis #dessertgram #foodwinewomen #abmlifeissweet #dessertlover #sugarcraft #madetocreate #instapastry #pastrylover #howiholiday

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Anna Lewandowska: Przepis na świąteczne kulki mocy!
Kulki mocy to bardzo znane rozwiązanie na uzupełnienie akumulatorów po treningu. Nazwę zaproponowała Anna Lewandowska. Możesz je przygotować dzień wcześniej i pozostawić w lodówce.
