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Żywa pocztówka

Na pierwszy rzut oka wyglądają jak obrazy albo pocztówki. Nic bardziej mylnego! To prawdziwe zdjęcia opuszczonych domów w Portugalii, które "ożywia" fotograf Manuel Pita. Zobaczcie uroczą galerię!

Działa pod pseudonimem Sejkko i jego zdjęcia możecie podziwiać na Instagramie. To niesamowite, ile piękna można uchwycić fotografując opuszczone domy, które autor spotyka każdego dnia w słonecznej Portugalii. Jak sam mówi - Wiele ze sfotografowanych przeze mnie domów jest związana z okolicą, w której dorastałem. Po latach konfrontuje się z tym krajobrazami, które czasem wywołują we mnie pustkę, a czasem napełniają moje serce ciepłem i radością.

This is the last lonely house of 2015. They began for themselves. They were just my lonely Portuguese houses. Now they are also me, we have made agreements. They often speak of what is happening in my soul. This one, at this moment in time, has found peace inside. And in that place I began to feel nostalgia, as a grown man who is not scared of his emotions anymore. I began to feel excitement, the way I did when I was four years old. More than ever before, I know who I am. . I am grateful to all of you who have co-created the stories of these houses with me ( you know who you are ). I am also going to mention those who copy my houses; for I hope you ( you know who you are ) learn to make your houses your own, and not copies of me. I promise you, the feeling of owning your expression fully is gorgeous. I also have to mention the big accounts that were my role models; you are no more. Because you fake, you cheat and lie. I care about individual human expression and authenticity, about art and concepts. To the "smaller" accounts I have began to follow; you are big to me, and I look forward to discovering your new and interesting content next year, and to produce new things too. To my old friends ( you know who you are ) I am still as surprised as I am grateful for this space where souls can connect for real. . Much love 💖 . #sejkko_lonelyhouses . .

A photo posted by @sejkko on

It is within you. And all around you 💕🏠 . . #sejkko_lonelyhouses . .

A photo posted by @sejkko on



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