
Sobel, francis, Deemz KOCHASZ?
David Guetta, Alphaville, Ava Max Forever Young
Oskar Cyms Co noc

Co było grane?

Drenchill / Jorik Burema Starlight
Sonique It Feels So Good

Surrealizm w nowoczesnym wydaniu

Młody artysta – Charlie Davoli za pomocą telefonu wykonuje takie obrazy! Niesamowite!

Jak twierdzi artysta, fotografuje wszystko co przyciągnie jego uwagę, później, rozmaite zdjęcia zestawia w jeden obraz. Efekty jego pracy możecie podziwiać poniżej. Można zaryzykować tezę, że Salvador Dali byłby z niego dumny. Oceńcie sami.

in search of Wowee Zowee

A photo posted by Charlie_davoli (@charlie_davoli) on

the most predictable failure

A photo posted by Charlie_davoli (@charlie_davoli) on

* h y p n o p h o b i a *

A photo posted by Charlie_davoli (@charlie_davoli) on

d o n ' t • s a v e • u s • f r o m • t h e • f l a m e s

A photo posted by Charlie_davoli (@charlie_davoli) on

that's how princesses get naked

A photo posted by Charlie_davoli (@charlie_davoli) on

|| study of a line over a hypothetic surface ||

A photo posted by Charlie_davoli (@charlie_davoli) on

t i m e t o p r e t e n d

A photo posted by Charlie_davoli (@charlie_davoli) on

|||• memories of a dyslexic keyboard •|||

A photo posted by Charlie_davoli (@charlie_davoli) on


A photo posted by Charlie_davoli (@charlie_davoli) on

m . y . t . H .

A photo posted by Charlie_davoli (@charlie_davoli) on

accommodation of presuppositions

A photo posted by Charlie_davoli (@charlie_davoli) on

with your feet on the air and your head on the ground

A photo posted by Charlie_davoli (@charlie_davoli) on

with your feet on the air and your head on the ground

A photo posted by Charlie_davoli (@charlie_davoli) on

::: another you before another dawn ::: (With Giorgio Tuma)

A photo posted by Charlie_davoli (@charlie_davoli) on

| | you are out of season | | (Chris Cunningham seduced me) #pixabay model credit

A photo posted by Charlie_davoli (@charlie_davoli) on

all we need is a place to lay and dream till dawn

A photo posted by Charlie_davoli (@charlie_davoli) on

the hellenic transistor rejecting the school of Stoics

A photo posted by Charlie_davoli (@charlie_davoli) on
