
Sobel, francis, Deemz KOCHASZ?
David Guetta, Alphaville, Ava Max Forever Young
Oskar Cyms Co noc

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Pezet Dom nad wodą
Lady Gaga Abracadabra

Ma 63 lata i miano "najładniejszej babci na świecie"! Swoimi wdziękami kusi w sieci!

Jak się okazuje, na karierę nigdy nie jest za późno - nawet w modelingu! Dowodzi tego Yazemeenah Rossi, która ma 63 lata i została okrzyknięta "najładniejszą babcią na świecie"!

Dobry start

Jak wiadomo, czas w modelingu działa niestety na niekorzyść; największą karierę wróży się młodszym, czasem nawet jeszcze nastoletnim modelkom. Taki stereotyp postanowiła przełamać Yazemeenah Rossi, która swoją karierę rozpoczęła jako trzydziestolatka! Wiele pań w tym wieku poważnie myśli o zakończeniu swojej przygody ze światem mody, jednak dla Rossi to był dopiero początek. Co więcej, modelka jest obecna w branży od ponad 30 lat! Yazemeenah ma obecnie 63-lata i wciąż zachwyca fantastyczną figurą!

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45 years ago today that body was giving birth to my first child, my son Michel, then 2 years 1/2 later to my beautiful daughter Armel on my 20th BD . Today,like never it happened all these past years, I am amazed that 45 years already passed since I had this amazing transcendental experience of giving birth... I was 17 And 1/2, put on 28kg during my pregnancy, looked like a big whale, but was in a tremendous shape, active, diving in water every single day as I was living on a beach in Corsica then one night at midnight the first labor sign appeared... My mother brought me to the clinic and let me there alone ... this was the best thing that could happen to me ... to be me with myself and ... my Higher Self ... no one beside me to complain about the pain... so I applied what I read in magazines about breathing technic and yoga that I already practiced when pregnant without really knowing it ... I will discover that it is called “Yoga “some 10 years later ... My son born in 10 hours naturally without pain killer or péridurale... when the pain was coming by waves I was feeling like if I was a wave in the ocean and I followed the flow with the pain instead of resisting to it to avoid it. Instead of fearing the contractions I was like counting that each one of them was bringing me closer to the delivery and was quite impatient that the next one comes...being in this state of mind made me in fact being totally present in the moment letting my body doing his work without resistances, letting him produce its magic hormones which are here in fact to transcend the pain . At a moment I was like in my body and out in the same time and could see me in pain but not affected by it, it was fantastic ! Since very young I am fascinated by the ability of the body to repair itself while observing how the scratches healed...and when pregnant a common sens inside of me was “ billions of women gave birth since ever, so all will be good “ trusting the power of life and it works ! A whole life time of respecting and trusting my body in his ability to heal makes me how and who I am today at 62 1/2 🙏✨💙 iPhone self-portrait this morning on Broad Beach Malibu .

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Some 30 years ago I bought a vintage classic dress with sequin embroidery...I transformed it in a top and miniskirt...Some years after I found a beautiful silver grey silk men Pyjama that became a tunique ... with my old boots silver sprayed and my pearls from Dubai this outfit found a perfect setting in this charming environment where classic ancient and modern styles cohabit... it is fun to create and re create with elements collected since ages putting them together...to give life again and again to new with old ... very interesting process of creation and recreation as it is truly recreative and pleasant to do as well with ourselves... nothing is to throw away just to trans-form. It is a transcendental process in our daily lives ... it is magic ... it is Alchemia ✨

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„Starzenie się jest czymś pięknym”

Konto modelki na Instagramie śledzi prawie 180 tys. osób! Można na nim zobaczyć zarówno zdjęcia z licznych podróży Rossi, jak i nieco odważniejsze kadry z sesji zdjęciowych.

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Y by Y Light Indigo ...

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W jednej ze swoich wypowiedzi modelka podzieliła swoimi przemyśleniami dotyczącymi jej kariery pomimo upływu czasu:

„Mimo że modeling jest zdominowany przede wszystkim przez młodych, to uważam, że znajdzie się też miejsce dla kogoś takiego jak ja. Dojrzałe, zadbane kobiety także są piękne!”

„Był czas, kilka lat temu, kiedy zaczęłam myśleć, rzeczy stopniowo zaczną się zmieniać i zaczniemy widzieć więcej starszych modeli, ale tak się nie stało. Wiem, jak to jest. Gdy się człowiek starzeje i myśli o tym w kółko i porównuje się do młodszych. Tak nie powinno być, ale niestety tak wygląda dzisiejszy świat. Nikt nie lubi, gdy ich skóra ulega grawitacji. Jednocześnie starzenie się jest czymś pięknym, ponieważ z upływem czasu stajemy się silniejsi”.

Najładniejsza babcia na świecie!

Yasmina Rossi poza karierą w modelingu jest również szczęśliwą mamą i babcią. Jej fani w licznych komentarzach nie boją się zaznaczać, że jest to „najładniejsza babcia na świecie”. Jak sama przyznaje, jej ulubionym kosmetykiem jest…oliwa z oliwek! Stara się rzadko stosować inne kremy i olejki, ale wierzy za to w moc diety organicznej i jogę. Dodatkowo codziennie je jedno awokado i organiczne mięso i ryby. Czy właśnie w tym tkwi właśnie sekret jej urody? Jedno jest pewne, 63-latka wciąż zachwyca swoją sylwetką!

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Such an early morning magic light✨🧡✨ It is such a grace to do my work in this environment. Self portrait is not easy but being in Nature is such a blessing! So inspiring! It connect me to my little Me playing on the beach In Corsica ... and in fact I do the same ...I am so happy to have listen to my higher self and follow the inner guide who brought me on the West coast despite some “advices”... I knew when quitting NYC that Work will be different here and more slow but I was not imagining at what point as it was the beginning of the recession... I had years almost with no work but trusted the process and saw this free time as opportunity to explore the deserts of the South West and work on my art, what I did, living on my savings ... I was never imagining then what I am doing today ! More free than ever, working for myself ! And in such a nice environment! When I was living in Paris I was dreaming to leave on a beach where I could be in white linen all year long ... As I come from an island I was imagining to live on an Island ... Life brought me in the island of ...Manhattan facing the water but that was not very much the ideal with harsh winters and summers... then one day mid December I quite snowy NY to get 5000 miles to keep my AA statu... I flew in LA to visit a friend ...I said while in NYC that I will never live on the West coast... but here I am 15 of December in Summer ...27 C!!! It was done! 3 month after I was in Malibu and since it is almost white linen all year long!!! It took 12 years to make my wish sent to the Universe becoming true and took a shape that I was not imagining...It is not about being lucky like I hear all the time ...I took risks just following what I felt was right for me inside, in my heart, the little voice of my Soul despite the reason, the voice in my head and been in situations who could scare a lot of people who need financial security, but my way of living is priceless . I know what are my priorities and the Universe align. 🙏✨😇💎

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