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Nietypowy hołd dla zasłużonych kobiet: Ta mama miała ciekawy pomysł na stylizację swojej córeczki!

Czy można w ciekawy sposób połączyć historię, modę i...małe dziecko? Okazuje się, że tak! Właśnie w taki sposób postąpiła pewna mama - rezultat jest powalający!

Historyczne przebieranki

Jenelle Wexler jest szczęśliwą mamą; kilka miesięcy temu powitała na świecie malutką córeczkę, której dała na imię Liberty. O tym, że amerykanka dąży do tego, by w teraźniejszości nie zapomniano także i o historii, świadczy jej fantastyczna inicjatywa: od jakiegoś czasu na swoim profilu na Instagramie publikuje zdjęcia córeczki, mającej na sobie stroje kojarzone z najważniejszymi kobietami w dziejach ludzkości. Nie brak tu np. Coco Chanel, Matki Teresy, a nawet Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie! Efekt jest powalający.

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Influential woman Pt 18: 👛 Coco Chanel 💋 was the founder and namesake of the Chanel brand. Chanel was credited in the post-World War I era with liberating women from the constraints of the "corseted silhouette" and popularizing a sporty, casual chic as the feminine standard of style. A prolific fashion creator, Chanel extended her influence beyond couture clothing, realising her design aesthetic in jewellery, handbags, and fragrance. Her signature scent, Chanel No. 5, has become an iconic product. She is the only fashion designer listed on TIME magazine's list of the 100 most influential people of the 20th century <sourced Wikipedia/biography.com>. . #lilladylibertyj #influentialwomen #girlpower #thefutureisfemale #womenrock #womenrule #womenempowerment #womenarethefuture #babyphotography #babieswithstyle #candidchildhood #babyphotoshoot #babystyle #babygirl #babieswithstyle #thatsdarling #clickinmoms #chanellover #iheartchanel #chanelcommunity #ellenratemybaby #candidmotherhood #childhoodmemories #cocochanel #chanel #libertyjaine #chanelbag #chanellove #chaneladdict #chanelclassic #littlepeoplebigdreams

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Influential woman Pt 6: Mother Teresa ✝️ Nun and missionary Mother Teresa, known in the Catholic church as Saint Teresa of Calcutta, devoted her life to caring for the sick and poor. Born in Macedonia to parents of Albanian-descent and having taught in India for 17 years, Mother Teresa experienced her "call within a call" in 1946. Her order established a hospice; centers for the blind, aged and disabled; and a leper colony. In 1979 she received the Nobel Peace Prize for her humanitarian work. .✝️ <sourced from Wikipedia and biography.com>. . #babies #babygirl #babyblueeyes #babiesofinsta #babiesofinstagram #instababygirl #babyphotography #babyphotooftheday #momphotographer #momswithcameras #babyphotoshoot #motherteresa #motherteresa🙏 #nobelpeaceprize #influentialwomen #catholic #loveforeveryone #nun #missionary #babyofinstagram #babyofig #kidphotography #infantphotography #babyshoot #ellenratemybaby #ellendegeneres #lilladylibertyj #libertyjaine #littlepeoplebigdreams

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Influential women Pt 4: Marie Curie. Who was Marie Curie: a Polish and naturalized-French physicist and chemist who conducted pioneering research on radioactivity. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, the first person and only woman to win twice, the only person to win a Nobel Prize in two different sciences. <sourced from Wikipedia and biography.com> . #babiesofig #babiesofinstagram #babyphotography #babies #babygirl #instababygirl #infantphotography #babyblueeyes #instababies #babyphotoshoot #babyphotooftheday #momswithcameras #momphotographer #mariecurie #chemistry #nobelprize #influentialwomen #smartwomen #radioactivity #science #beakers #radioactive #womaninscience #womanchemist #chemistry #physics #lilladylibertyj #libertyjaine #littlepeoplebigdreams

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Skąd pomysł?

Sama Jenelle przyznaje, że pomysł narodził się nieco przez przypadek: bawiąc się z małą, zauważyła, że przypomina jej słynną malarkę Fridę Khalo. Postanowiła więc przygotować jej specjalny kostium, który jeszcze bardziej mógłby podkreślić charakterystyczne cechy artystki. Zdjęcie trafiło na jej instagramowy profil, które szybko skradło serca obserwujących.

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The very first photo in Liberty’s Influential series! Influential Woman Pt. 1:🌸🎨 Frida Kahlo: a Mexican artist who painted many portraits, self-portraits, and works inspired by the nature and artifacts of Mexico. Inspired by the country's popular culture, she employed a naïve folk art style to explore questions of identity, postcolonialism, gender, class, and race in Mexican society. In 1925 Kahlo was involved in a bus accident, which so seriously injured her that she had to undergo more than 30 medical operations in her lifetime. After the accident, Frida Kahlo turned her attention away from the study of medicine to begin a full-time painting career. The accident left her in a great deal of pain while she recovered in a full body cast; she painted to occupy her time during her temporary state of immobilization. Her self-portraits became a dominant part of her life when she was immobile for three months after. Drawing on personal experiences, including her marriage, her miscarriages, and her numerous operations, Kahlo's works often are characterized by their stark portrayals of pain. Of her 143 paintings, 55 are self-portraits which often incorporate symbolic portrayals of physical and psychological wounds. She insisted, "I never painted dreams. I painted my own reality". Kahlo was deeply influenced by indigenous Mexican culture, which is apparent in her use of bright colors and dramatic symbolism. She frequently included the symbolic monkey. In Mexican mythology, monkeys are symbols of lust, yet Kahlo portrayed them as tender and protective symbols. Christian and Jewish themes are often depicted in her work. She combined elements of the classic religious Mexican tradition with surrealist renderings. <sourced Wikipedia and biography.com>. . #libertyjaine #inspiration #influentialwomen #iconicwomen #femaleicons #thefutureisfemale #feminist #feminism #feminista #feminismisforeverybody #femaleisthefuture #womenunited #womenempowerment #womenandgirls #womenempoweringwomen #womeninspiringwomen #womeninhistory #girlpower #girlsunited #fridakahlo #fridakahloinspired #fridakahloart #littlepeoplebigdreams #michaelscraftstore #mexicanart #babyphotography #babyphotoshoot

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Idąc za ciosem, mama Liberty postanowiła w ten sposób oddać hołd ważnym kobietom, które wpłynęły na bieg historii. Jak sama przyznaje, chce w ten sposób wyrazić im szacunek i nieco przybliżyć ich osoby: przy każdym zdjęciu zamieszcza również krótkie notki biograficzne dzielnych niewiast. Dodatkowo stara się zadbać o każdy szczegół tak, by także wizualnie jak najwierniej przybliżyć opisywane kobiety. Dziś jej konto obserwuje ponad 3 tysiące osób! A Wam jak podoba się taki pomysł?
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Influential women Pt 28: 🕶Jaqueline Kennedy Onassis: was the wife of the 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, and the First Lady of the United States from 1961 until his assassination in 1963. Jacqueline Kennedy remains one of the most popular First Ladies. She was featured 27 times on the annual Gallup list of the top 10 most admired people of the second half of the 20th century; In 2011, she was ranked in fifth place in a list of the five most influential First Ladies of the twentieth century for her "profound effect on American society. In 2015, she was included in a list of the top ten influential U.S. First Ladies due to the admiration for her based around "her fashion sense and later after her husband's assassination, for her poise and dignity. <sourced Wikipedia/biography.com>. . #libertyjaine #womeninhistory #womenarethefuture #womenempowerment #influentialwomen #inspirationalwomen #thefutureisfemale #femaleisthefuture #feminism #womenrock #womenicon #womenempoweringwomen #womenunited #womenunite #rolemodels #womenunity #womeninspiringwomen #girlpower #womensfashion #firstlady #girlfashion #jackieo #jackiekennedy #jackiekennedystyle #jfk #babyphotography #babyphotoshoot #babyfashion

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Influential woman Pt 24 : Rosie the Riveter 💪🏼: is a cultural icon of World War II, representing the women who worked in factories and shipyards during World War II, many of whom produced munitions and war supplies. These women sometimes took entirely new jobs replacing the male workers who joined the military. Rosie the Riveter is used as a symbol of American feminism and women's economic power. <sourced Wikipedia>. . #libertyjaine #womeninhistory #womenrule #womenrock #womenunited #womenempowerment #womenempoweringwomen #thefutureisfemale #girlpower #womenandgirls #femaleicons #femaleisthefuture #feminist #feminism #babyphotography #wecandoit #wecandoit💪 #rosietheriveter #womenyoushouldknow #culturalicon #worldwar2 #womenseconomicempowerment #womenseconomicpower #womenhistory #girlsempowerment #empoweringwomen #influentialwomen

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Influential Women Pt 22 💫 Vera Rubin: 🌎 an American astronomer who pioneered work on galaxy rotation rates. She uncovered the discrepancy between the predicted angular motion of galaxies and the observed motion, by studying galactic rotation curves. This phenomenon became known as the galaxy rotation problem, and was evidence of the existence of dark matter. Rubin spent her life advocating for women in science and was known for her mentorship of aspiring women astronomers. Her data provided some of the first evidence for dark matter. She was honored throughout her career for her achievements, and received the Bruce Medal, the Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society, and the National Medal of Science, among others. <sourced Wikipedia>. . #libertyjaine #rolemodels #influentialwomen #womenshistory #womeninhistory #womenempowerment #womenempoweringwomen #girlpower #womenrule #verarubin #thefutureisfemale #womenandgirls #astronomer #darkmatter #instababy #ig_kids #thatsdarling #babyphotoshoot #babyphotography #candidchildhood #cameramama #momlife

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