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Robaki, pająki, skorpiony - przerażające i kontrowersyjne makijaże. Wyobrażasz sobie mieć to na twarzy?

Jasmine Ahumada inspiruje się... Przyrodą. Make up w jej wykonaniu jest nieco kontrowersyjny i szokujący. Często przykleja do swojej twarzy martwe owady.

Taki makijaż jest dość szokujący i kontrowersyjny, ale Jasmine Ahumada zupełnie to nie przeszkadza. Na YouTube i Instagramie umieszcza tutoriale dla wszystkich, którzy chcieliby osiągnać podobny efekt. Jej inspiracją jest świat owadów i zwierząt. Często wykorzystuje spreparowane truchła znalezionych owadów lub kupuje je w sklepie zoologicznym. 
Jasmine udziela również śmiałych rad, mówi że jeśli widzisz w swojej okolicy martwego robaka, możesz go podnieść i pomyśleć jak go wykorzystać! 
Brzmi tak prosto, ale jak trudno sobie wyobrazić przyklejony, martwe owady do swojej twarzy. 

Znacie kogoś, kto chciałby wyglądać w taki sposób? 

‼️REAL GRASSHOPPERS‼️ SOURCE: @petsmart (dehydrated reptile food) FUN FACTS: Grasshoppers are often colored in a way that camouflages them in their local habitat, green ones in grassy fields, sandy colored in dirt and desert areas. Our modern day grasshoppers descend from ancient ancestors that lived long before the dinosaurs roamed the Earth. 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚 Products Used @sauceboxcosmetics Étude palette. @wetnwildbeauty green and yellow colors from their Brights paint palette. @projektglitter green glitter. @nyxcosmetics glitter primer. Lashes are from Amazon. Grass is from my yard. 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚 #eyeshadow #blueeyes #grass #glitter #glittery #glittermakeup #crazymakeup #outsidethebox #avantgarde #editorial #editorialmakeup #grasshopper #grasshoppers #greenmakeup #haloeye #eyelook #makeupinspo #makeupideas #nature #naturelove #macro #macrophotography #closeup #inspo #ringlight #canont5i #canonphotography #canonrebel

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‼️REAL SPIDER‼️ Chaco Golden Knee Tarantula (Molt/Exoskeleton) SOURCE: Etsy Shop: WildThingsInc FUN FACTS: Chaco golden knee tarantula is a ground-living species that burrows when he can. Although generally sweet-natured, the Chaco golden knee, like many other tarantulas, may flick irritating hairs at people when alarmed. Lifespan: Males – 5+ years, Females – 20+ years. Tarantulas have the ability to spin silk, but unlike other spiders, they do not use the silk to make webs that catch their prey. Instead, they use the silk to line their burrows and protect their eggs. 🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷 (Secret: this look was originally intended for the black widow spider I had. The look was all ready for the spider placement but the thing is that..... I DRAW THE LINE AT BLACK WIDOWS!! She was tooooo creepy!!!) 🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷 Products Used @sauceboxcosmetics Étude palette for brow and shading. @ttd_eye lens in Mystery Red(use code Butterflyjasmine for 10% off) @duoadhesive latex free lash glue near the eye and @mehronmakeup liquid latex for the effects further from eye. Cotton for large egg sacs and @ellimacssfx ellimorph plastic for the little eggs. The webbing is a pulled apart Used dryer sheet. 🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷🕷 #eyeart #eyelook #insectagram #insectporn #insectart #makeupinspo #makeupart #creativemakeup #phobia #eyeshadow #eyeball #motd #faceart #triggerwarning #facepaint #editorialmakeup #avantgarde #darkart #macrophotography #eyemakeup #falselashes #eotd #tarantula #goldenknee #arachnids #arachnophobia #scary #creepy #crazymakeup #trypophobia

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‼️REAL WORMS‼️ Mealworms 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 SOURCE: @petsmart (dehydrated reptile food) FUN FACTS: It takes about the same amount of energy to raise a pound of mealworms as it does to raise a pound of pork because the mealworms have to be kept warm all the time or they won’t grow well. Mealworms have exoskeletons, which means their bodies are supported from the outside, not the inside. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Products Used @maccosmetics Pigment in Deep Brown. @mehronmakeup Paradise paint in Light brown and orange. @suvabeauty hydraliner in Dance Party. @makeupgeekcosmetics in Mandarin. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #eyeart #facechart #eyelook #insectagram #insectporn #insectart #makeupinspo #makeupart #creativemakeup #nature #phobia #eyeshadow #eyeball #motd #faceart #triggerwarning #facepaint #editorialmakeup #avantgarde #darkart #tattooideas #macrophotography #eyemakeup #falselashes #eotd #worms #disgusting #gory #horror

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