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Tiësto / Karol G Don't Be Shy
Maryla Rodowicz To już było

Miasteczko Derry z horroru "To" istnieje naprawdę! Zobaczcie!

"To nie jest iluzja, ty mały, głupi chłopcze, to wieczność. Moja wieczność i właśnie się w niej gubisz" - pisał Stephen King w powieści "To".

And again, a project has been finally completed. After the challanging work on Derry it was intended to be a small interesting interim project, that finally took shape much larger than originally planned: My adaptation of John Katzenbachs »The Madman's Tale« When I read the novel two years it hit me like a truck, touched and inspired me like only a few novels manage to do. Not primarily because of its actual plot, but because of the sensitivity with which you learn to see through Francis' eyes and a above all, due to the great narrative structure in which the levels of past, present and delusion are increasingly dwindling ...and finally start to take effect on each other. Of course, a inflexible scenic realization can not represent all of this abstract levels alike. That's why my interpretation concentrates on the setting where all the levels converge: Francis' narrative present, his apartment, where he remembers the past and starts to write the story of his life on the walls. As always you can see the complete photo rundown, the project description and the WIP pictures on my website. #johnkatzenbach #themadmanstale #modelling #modelling #scale #schizophrenia #modellingart #modelingart #art #psychiatry #thriller #diorama

A post shared by Kassiopeya Sachenwerkler (@kassi_o_peya) on

Kassiopeya Sachenwerkler - zainspirowana twórczością pisarza - postanowiła poświęcić setki godzin pracy, by stworzyć świat z horroru.

Sachenwerkler zbudowała miniaturowe miasteczko Derry, inspirując się horrorem "To", opartym na powieści Stephena Kinga. Artystka spędziła ponad 900 godzin nad swoim projektem "Welcome to Derry". "Chciałam w pełni oddać ducha powieści Kinga" - wspomina Sachenwarkler.

Efekt jest niesamowity! Sami zobaczcie:

Dear friends, good neighbours - it is finally done: My current modeling project »Welcome to Derry« has been completed and the final pictures have been taken. This time the subject of my implementation was a novel that has accompanied me from the early days of my childhood and still is my most favorite novel: Stephen King’s »IT«. To cope with the spirit of the original novel, this bloody ode to the Fifties, this sentimental-dark token of love for an era of deceased rock stars, I wanted this project to be something special. So my Derry – including its underground world of the sewers – has finally been integrated in an old 1958 stereo unit. Like always you will find the complete gallery and more facts and background information on my project on my website! #derry #sewers #modeling #modelling #stephenking #modellingart #stephenkingsit #pennywise #stephenkingsitremake #miniature #diorama #paperboat #sculpture #stephenkingbooks #pennywisethedancingclown #scale #sunset #dusk #water #horror

A post shared by Kassiopeya Sachenwerkler (@kassi_o_peya) on

Final spurt! My modeling project "Welcome to Derry" is nearly finished. Actually I am putting the last finishing touches. In the next weeks the final photo shootings will be taken. The little scenery is an outtake of my actual modelling project "Welcome to Derry", an adaptation of of Stephen Kings great novel "IT". The scenery of the Derry sewers is built in the inside of an old phono cabinet of the 50s, while the city of Derry is placed on top. In this way you only see the romantic street view of Derry in 1950 when the cabinet doors are closend and finally get the whole picture of what lies below when you open them. The whole work in progress album you find on my website or when you visit me on facebook :) #derry #sewers #modelling #stephenking #modellingart #stephenkingsitremake #pennywise #stephenkingsitremake #miniature #diorama #paperboat #sculpture #stephenkingbooks #pennywisethedancingclown #scale #sunset #dusk #water

A post shared by Kassiopeya Sachenwerkler (@kassi_o_peya) on

Yesterday I added the water to the scenery - remnants of the great flood. Now there are only a few details to finish the project :) The little scenery is an outtake of my actual modelling project "Welcome to Derry", an adaptation of of Stephen Kings great novel "IT". The scenery of the Derry sewers is built in the inside of an old phono cabinet of the 50s, while the city of Derry is placed on top. In this way you only see the romantic street view of Derry in 1950 when the cabinet doors are closend and finally get the whole picture of what lies below when you open them. The whole work in progress album you find on my website or when you visit me on facebook :) #derry #sewers #modelling #stephenking #modellingart #stephenkingsitremake #pennywise #stephenkingsitremake #miniature #diorama #paperboat #sculpture #stephenkingbooks #pennywisethedancingclown #scale #sunset #dusk

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