
Lady Gaga Abracadabra
Dawid Kwiatkowski, Kayah Proszę tańcz
Felix Jaehn x Shouse Walk With Me

Co było grane?

Ofenbach / Norma Jean Martine Overdrive
Varius Manx Ten sen
Bednarek Chwile jak te

Od dziecka cierpi na wrodzoną sztywność stawów. Postanowiła urodzić!

Sheree Psaila urodziła się z artrogrypozą. To zespół wad wrodzonych, który polega na zaniku tkanki mięśniowej. Choroba zwana jest też wrodzoną sztywnością stawów. Największym marzeniem Sheree było założenie rodziny.

Mimo przeciwskazań do porodu. Sheree zdecydowała urodzić potomka. Po 9 miesiącach parze urodził się synek. Poród odbył się przez cesarskie cięcie. Maluszek jest w pełni zdrowy i jest oczkiem w głowie rodziców. Gratulacje!

WE'RE ON KIDSPOT!!!! 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁 Go to @ourdifferentreality for the link!!! You are welcome to #regram this around, SO EXITED!!! We do want to thank @yooocandoanything, we wouldn't have had this opportunity if it weren't for your Instagram page! http://www.kidspot.com.au/parenting/real-life/in-the-news/doctors-said-woman-wouldnt-live-past-her-1st-birthday-now-she-is-a-mum The second adventure is still to come 😊❤️ (Kidspot link is also in our #bio) @kidspot #kidspot @yooocandoanything #yooocandoanything #soexcited #disabledparents #disabledmum #arthrogryposis #mumlife #disableddad #dadlife #instababy #babylife #australia #alburywodonga #picoftheday #newadventures #ourdifferentreality

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Check us out in Take 5 Magazine! We made two pages from page 20-21. Although the story is great, I have learned from this experience, if there are any Magazines that would like to write a story about us, I will definitely enquire about writing the story myself as third person. I'm really not happy with the heading- "All I want to do is cuddle him"... "but it's something I'll never be able to do". That heading is quite incorrect, I can cuddle Hayden, clearly that's visible in the photos. I understand there needs to be an eye opening piece to start with, but there are also narcissistic people who would read this and think "oh what a selfish person for having a child if she can't cuddle him". I don't give two fucks about judgmental people, but, that is the reality of having stories in these Magazines, there's the amazing, supportive people and then there's the nasty, jealous people who don't have anything better to do, but to just TRY and make people feel shit. Sorry narcissists, I'm fine as fuck with your comments. Thank you shit loads to Take 5 Magazine and I hope you all enjoy the read 😘🤣😂 #take5 #magazine #australia #albury #wodonga #thankyou #disabledmum #yooocandoanything #pictureoftheday #ourdifferentreality

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