
Wiktor Dyduła Szybkie tempo
David Guetta, Alphaville, Ava Max Forever Young
Dawid Kwiatkowski, Kayah Proszę tańcz

Co było grane?

Bill Medley / Jennifer Warnes (I've Had) The Time of My Life
Dermot Kennedy Kiss Me
Perfect Niepokonani

Depresja przychodzi po cichu. UWAGA mocne zdjęcia!

21-letni fotograf, u którego dwa lata temu zdiagnozowano depresję, postanowił przybliżyć społeczeństwu ten problem. Artysta pragnie za pomocą sztuki, przekazać emocje towarzyszące mu w walce z chorobą. Zobaczcie koniecznie te zdjęcia! Robią wrażenie.

O depresji mówi się ostatnio coraz więcej i coraz bardziej otwarcie, ale wciąż ta choroba nieco nas stygmatyzuje. Badacze z uniwersytetów w Warwick i Manchesterze przekonują, że niesłusznie. Depresją nie jest bowiem groźna dla otoczenia, nie można się nią "zarazić". Wręcz przeciwnie, towarzystwo osób w normalnym, pozytywnym stanie ducha, ich wsparcie, pomaga z depresji wyjść i zmniejsza ryzyko, że znów się w nią wpadnie. Mówiąc wprost, przyjaźń z osobą w depresji nie zwiększa ryzyka, że nam samym pogorszy się nastrój, my sami zaś mamy dużą szansę naszemu przyjacielowi pomóc.

Great Day // Tragedy Repost but it's ok

A photo posted by Edward Honaker (@edwardshair) on

Rare never before seen moody self portrait

A photo posted by Edward Honaker (@edwardshair) on

Anxiety III

A photo posted by Edward Honaker (@edwardshair) on

PSA: I try to keep things light hearted on social media, but this is important to me. Contrary to popular belief, suicides actually peak in spring and fall (March to be exact), not during the holidays, as you might have heard. For me, at least, this can a really tough time of year. If you're not doing so well, please get professional help. It can be terrifying but it's so worth it - it's literally a matter of life or death (suicidepreventionlifeline.org is a good place to start). Even if depression isn't something you struggle with, we can all help the situation by being the kind of person that our friends will feel comfortable coming to if they're having problems - by being compassionate, by listening, by not being judgmental, etc. In this age where it's easier to connect with each other than ever before, no one should have to feel isolated. Prioritize mental health, because in our short time here on earth, that's kind of all we really have. #onelove

A photo posted by Edward Honaker (@edwardshair) on

Anxiety II

A photo posted by Edward Honaker (@edwardshair) on


A photo posted by Edward Honaker (@edwardshair) on

My fav darkroom print from last semester

A photo posted by Edward Honaker (@edwardshair) on

Everything u do is a balloon

A photo posted by Edward Honaker (@edwardshair) on

Self portrait

A photo posted by Edward Honaker (@edwardshair) on

Hahahahahaha selfie

A photo posted by Edward Honaker (@edwardshair) on

My fav darkroom print from last semester

A photo posted by Edward Honaker (@edwardshair) on

Go look what I slaved over the past month: edwardandrew.tumblr.com

A photo posted by Edward Honaker (@edwardshair) on

2/17 - Reach for the Dead Www.edwardshair.net

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A photo posted by Edward Honaker (@edwardshair) on

Today got me feeling like

A photo posted by Edward Honaker (@edwardshair) on

Abstract body part?

A photo posted by Edward Honaker (@edwardshair) on

Today got me feeling like

A photo posted by Edward Honaker (@edwardshair) on

You ever have one of those days

A photo posted by Edward Honaker (@edwardshair) on
